Friday, November 18, 2011

Here's my heart;

Here’s what’s on my heart; I can't help but be thankful for God’s amazing love, mercy and grace.  He is so faithful.  Even when I am faithless and less than deserving, He is faithful.  Every time (and I mean every time) I fall down, wander in my own wrong direction or purposely walk away from God, He is there to welcome me back when I turn around.  All I can do is say thank you Lord, but then the inevitable happens, I want to shout it from the roof top “Isn't His love amazing!”  I want everyone to know Him and experience His grace and love.  The second part of II Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is extraordinarily patient toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance.”

This is why I am so excited, encouraged even committed to help other believers share who Jesus is to them, how they know Him personally and what He has done to change their lives.  I see it as a collective chorus, a beautiful melody rising from the children of God, lifting up the King of kings.  There are so many believers with amazing, unique stories; each one is a demonstration of His amazing love and grace. I believe that now it is critical to tell these stories, because the truth of Jesus changes both hearts and minds, gives peace and hope for eternity!   I keep hearing Jesus words in John 12:32, “If I am lifted up, I will draw all men to me”.  I am thrilled that He will do it!

The reason for the name “Is There Any Good News?” well I hope that it will be an attention getter for people who are wondering that very thing.  In the world we live in today people are struggling, they are anxious and hurting.  From their perspective things may seem pretty bleak.  They may feel very far from God, if they are even still convinced of His existence at all.  I believe that it is time to dispel the lies about God in one united, collective voice sharing the best news ever.   

My greatest passion is to present the message of Jesus to as many people as will listen. 
The goal is to interview as many believers as possible.  Ok, I'll be honest, the first number that popped into my head was a million, but that is admittedly a very big number and I am pretty sure that is way beyond human ability. The way I see it, God is in charge and it belongs to Him.    

We (my husband Tomas and I) are in the beginning process of launching the “Is There Any Good News” website; we are diligently learning the video editing software program in order to produce a quality product, gathering names and scheduling interviews.  It sounds so simplistic and easy, however, there is a great deal to learn and at times we experience technical difficulties. Our final and very critical step will be to engage the body at large.  Willing hands and feet are needed to carry this information to as many people as possible.  We will make available easy to share business cards with the web address, directing people to the videos which we intend to post on You Tube.  These “partner” Churches will then step in to “receive” those who come to Christ.  

This is clearly a God sized task, and we realize that we cannot do this alone, so, please pray for us.  In describing this I feel as though I have just barely scratched the surface and there is so much to be done.  Thank you so much for your prayers; stop by often to see where we are in the process!

Thank you so much for your love and encouragement!

I Love You!

By Debbie Springer

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting Started!

Those of you who know me, will understand when I say that there has been a dream in my heart that has preoccupied the majority of my life.  In fact, I think that I have spoken about this dream to just about anyone who would listen.  Finally, I am compelled and even called to step out in faith to begin the process.

You see, I have been busy negotiating my terms with God, saying things like, "I realize that You have planted this dream in my heart, and I will step out once You put the resources in my hands".   I think that I even tried to say something spiritual like, "If this is really your idea God, then You are going to have to make it happen".  Then, I assured God,  I would be ready to run with the ball.  I bet you can guess the outcome of those futile attempts.  I have been feeling more frustrated and empty than ever.     

So, I did it, I jumped in with both feet.  I resigned from my job of seven years and sold my little car!  This allowed us to purchase some things that were needed to begin the process.  I am presently studying like crazy, creating a web site, a blogspot, and the list goes on from there.

The vision that the Lord has planted in my heart involves helping believers in Jesus Christ share on a broad canvas who He is and what He means to them.  I want to let others know how great His love is and how a personal relationship with Him has changed their lives. Thereby answering that looming question, "is there any good news?", with an affirmitave and resounding, "yes and it is Jesus!". 

 My dream is to extend the invitation to anyone who would hear and accept it.  There are countless people whose lives are broken by sin and pain.  They need the message of God's amazing love and grace.  My hope is that  those of us who know and have that message will unite together to share that good news (Jesus) with the world. I believe that together we can make an eternal difference!

He has given me a clear game plan and the time has come to put it into action.  This is a big step of faith for me but, I will say that I trust my Father, Who cannot lie, Who loves me and is totally faithful.  We are all called to live by faith and I feel humbled to step out in response to His call.

A funny little side note; I was recently reminded of Tarzan swinging from one tree to the next.  It is so fun to watch, his performance is flawless and it seems so effortless.  As I thought about it, though, I realized that the true beauty in that scene, is the unseen, very first maneuver when he releases his grip from the one vine to firmly grasp the possibility of the next vine.    

While Tarzan’s story is fictional, it holds a wonderful application to all of us as we contemplate moving with complete faith into what the Lord has called us to.  Something wonderful can come of confident trust in God!

So please pray for me!  It will be thrilling to see what the Lord is going to do as the body comes together to lift Jesus up!  
My prayer for you is that you embrace the Lord in full confidence in His love for you as you seek to serve Him.  Please let me know how I can pray for you.  I know that we need each other.

By Debbie Springer