Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting Started!

Those of you who know me, will understand when I say that there has been a dream in my heart that has preoccupied the majority of my life.  In fact, I think that I have spoken about this dream to just about anyone who would listen.  Finally, I am compelled and even called to step out in faith to begin the process.

You see, I have been busy negotiating my terms with God, saying things like, "I realize that You have planted this dream in my heart, and I will step out once You put the resources in my hands".   I think that I even tried to say something spiritual like, "If this is really your idea God, then You are going to have to make it happen".  Then, I assured God,  I would be ready to run with the ball.  I bet you can guess the outcome of those futile attempts.  I have been feeling more frustrated and empty than ever.     

So, I did it, I jumped in with both feet.  I resigned from my job of seven years and sold my little car!  This allowed us to purchase some things that were needed to begin the process.  I am presently studying like crazy, creating a web site, a blogspot, and the list goes on from there.

The vision that the Lord has planted in my heart involves helping believers in Jesus Christ share on a broad canvas who He is and what He means to them.  I want to let others know how great His love is and how a personal relationship with Him has changed their lives. Thereby answering that looming question, "is there any good news?", with an affirmitave and resounding, "yes and it is Jesus!". 

 My dream is to extend the invitation to anyone who would hear and accept it.  There are countless people whose lives are broken by sin and pain.  They need the message of God's amazing love and grace.  My hope is that  those of us who know and have that message will unite together to share that good news (Jesus) with the world. I believe that together we can make an eternal difference!

He has given me a clear game plan and the time has come to put it into action.  This is a big step of faith for me but, I will say that I trust my Father, Who cannot lie, Who loves me and is totally faithful.  We are all called to live by faith and I feel humbled to step out in response to His call.

A funny little side note; I was recently reminded of Tarzan swinging from one tree to the next.  It is so fun to watch, his performance is flawless and it seems so effortless.  As I thought about it, though, I realized that the true beauty in that scene, is the unseen, very first maneuver when he releases his grip from the one vine to firmly grasp the possibility of the next vine.    

While Tarzan’s story is fictional, it holds a wonderful application to all of us as we contemplate moving with complete faith into what the Lord has called us to.  Something wonderful can come of confident trust in God!

So please pray for me!  It will be thrilling to see what the Lord is going to do as the body comes together to lift Jesus up!  
My prayer for you is that you embrace the Lord in full confidence in His love for you as you seek to serve Him.  Please let me know how I can pray for you.  I know that we need each other.

By Debbie Springer


  1. OH, Goodness....this is so exciting and inspirational!! I look forward to the great things God is going to do through you! I will be praying!!

  2. AWESOME!!!!!!! I am so happy for you and proud of you! I can't wait to see God's plan unfold!!

    Blessings my friend...

  3. That makes 3 of us! Thank you both for your encouragment and support!

  4. I would also like to encourage you Debbie to do what God has led you to do. I know you to be a loving, thoughtful, compassionate Christin woman who has prayed for me, and with me, and I lift you up to our heavenly father in thanks.

  5. Well, well, WELL!!! Praise God for your leap of faith Debbie. I love your portrait of waiting on God with "precise" expectation only to acknowledge that in fact He was simply waiting on YOU!! Beautiful. As are you dear Sis!! i look forward to following your journey - Get 'em girl!!
