Found this in my draft folder...better late than never!
To My Kids,
To My Kids,
I recently passed by the house we lived in so many years ago. All I can say is, wow, so much has changed and boy I have gotten old! I was amazed at the sudden flood of memories. There were so many fun and tender times. I can see you playing in the front yard in the leaves or riding tricycles down the sidewalk as fast as the heaving concrete would allow. I remember waiting anxiously for you to get off the school bus at the corner and come racing home to tell me about your great day or show me something beautiful you had painted. There were so many happy times reading stories, watching movies or playing games. I can still see groggy lumps of children under blankets of warm air on chilly mornings…birthday parties, chicken pox, water fights that began outside, which soon grew into a sloppy frenzy of mud and grass and some smart alack sneaking into the kitchen for the faucet sprayer. Ah the good ol days! I loved cuddling on the swing, listening to a thunder storm. Playing hide and go seek or sardines at the park. Even though there were some kids hanging out in the park who thought I was crazy, I had a blast! Soccer, Baseball, and Football Games, Ballet, broken tooth picks in socks (you know who you are), late night coco powder explosions that left a brown dusting over the entire kitchen, ER visits, numerous pets, some that slither and others with long tails that some people trap and kill. The list could go on and on. I know that these all seem so long ago but, they still dance in my heart and they always will. You my kids have truly brought so much joy to my life!
I hope you will carry these memories as precious treasures as well. As important as it is to remember where you have come from it is equally important to consider where you are going. Be patient with your self and remember you are human and at times we all make choices we wish we could reverse. Seek God's forgiveness, forgive yourself and others then be thankful for all that you have. It is impossible to find all the beauty this life has to offer if you don't practice those things. I say this based on my own personal experience. I hope that you will get back up when life knocks you down, don't let self pity consume you.
Even though there have been some difficult days, hold on to the good memories, and give grace to the things that hurt or disappointed you, learning from them if you can. Seek the truth with all of you strength, allowing the Lord to guide you in that quest. The road is open before you, everyday a blank canvas for you to splash your unique color on. You create the memories to cherish. How I hope that you fill it with people to love along the way. I will say that you will never find perfect people or anyone who will love you perfectly for that matter; unfortunately they will let you down. Again, forgive, as you want to be forgiven, be as patient with others weakness as you want them to be with yours. Love. There you will find your life filled to overflowing with beauty.
Here it is, now it's your turn to go make memories. Whether you see me or not I am to cheer you on from the sidelines as you take off and soar into your life's calling. And no matter what happens in this life or how far you travel, I hope you will always remember how much I love you and how grateful I am for you!
Here it is, now it's your turn to go make memories. Whether you see me or not I am to cheer you on from the sidelines as you take off and soar into your life's calling. And no matter what happens in this life or how far you travel, I hope you will always remember how much I love you and how grateful I am for you!
God Bless You and Keep You...
Love You Forever,
Love You Forever,
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