Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Wish You Jesus!

It’s amazing, we are already one week into the New Year!  2012 begins and the Mayan calendar ends. It will be interesting to see what events will mark this year.  In the past we have had a few “scares”, remember Y2K?   For me, each year has brought excitement, hope and even some unexpected sometimes, unfortunate changes.   
If the proposed catastrophe surrounding the end of the Mayan calendar is never realized, we still know that this crazy, mixed up world we live in generates continual uncertainty.  I think somewhere in the back of our minds we all know that the world cannot bear up under the weight of so much evil.  Something’s got to give.
I wish when I said “Happy New Year”, I could be certain that there wouldn’t be any tornadoes that rip through communities shattering homes and dreams, or that no one would lose someone they love to some renegade disease.  Or that little ones would never go hungry and the homeless would have a secure place to sleep.  Wouldn’t it be great if husbands and wives would choose love and forgiveness over divorce?  I think it would be great if people would be honest and fair in their dealings, doing what they say they are going to do.  Wouldn’t it be nice?
But we all know that life is not that way. The reality is those things and many others are currently part of our lives, and we all experience discouragement, disappointment and difficulty.  The one constant in my life is Jesus.  He has always been there for me and I am certain that He is there for you too.  It's simple really.  Invite Him into your life, every aspect of it.  No matter how long you have know him or if this is the first time you have invited Him into you life, lean into Him.  You will find His amazing love for you has never changed. He will walk through every difficult spot with you.
Please, just in case this new year brings something unexpected or even unwelcome into your life, believe Him, rest in His love for you.  This is what faith is; trusting Him when things don't make sense and you may see no way out, thats when He does what only He can do.
This year instead of saying “Happy New Year”, I am saying , "I wish you Jesus"!
Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed.
Psalm 37:3 Amplified Version  

By Debbie Springer

1 comment:

  1. Debbie,
    Love your blog and the message of this post! You are rocking it girl friend! Thanks for sharing!
