Monday, February 27, 2012

The Ageless Childs Prayer

Since this blog is dedicated to those wondering if there is any good news in this world, I humbly submit this post.  What a great reminder of the fact that we can all come to Our Heavenly Father as little children, snuggle up close and hear His heart.  I hope it blesses you! 

Luke 18:17

Truly I say to you, whoever does not accept and receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child [does] shall not in any way enter it [at all].  
Good Morning Daddy!   Thank you for this sunny, beautiful morning.  The birds are singing Your song.  How are you today?  What are You gonna to do today?   I won’t ask how You slept, because I know You were up all night watching over me and Your other children.  You must be tired.  Thank you.  How are Your other children?  I know that it makes you sad when some of them believe the devils lies.  Sometimes they even think that You aren’t real and some of them forget how much You really, really love them, but I think that they are beginning to get it.   What’s going on in heaven today?  I heard that there is going to be a beautiful wedding soon.  I can’t wait to go!  Jesus invited me.  Can you look at my knee; it got scraped when that boy next door pushed me down, it kinda hurts, and I know that You always make it feel better.  He is mean and I really don’t like him very much at all, will You help me with that?  I don’t want to make you sad, I am sorry.  That’s better, thank You.  I was wondering if I could sit on Your lap for a little while, I wanna hear Your heart beat?  I always feel so safe and warm there.  Thank You.  Sometimes I talk too much, so I just want to feel You, look into Your face, see Your warm smile, hear Your funny laugh. You think maybe later we could walk in Your garden again?  You know how much I love that (I know that you love it too!).  We could hold hands as we walk and You can show me all kinds of cool stuff You made and I would tell You again how amazing You are and how much I love You.  Then, I would get that big hug from You that would make me smile all day.   And, to tell you the truth, I don’t really want to leave this place.  I love just being with You! 

Sadly, I hear my name being called; You know I have chores to do.   Thank You for this time we had, but I will be back soon.  Oh, and by the way, what can I do for You today?   Oh, did I hear You say You’ll go with me to help me through the day!  That would be great!  Thank You! Let’s go!

Little children are so smart; they know how to keep life simple.  We can learn so much from them.  The lessons that we can take away from this child’s prayer;

·         Believe that God is a good Father and He wants us to know Him personally.

·         We can enjoy spending time in His presence.

·         Appreciate God and all that He does.

·         Accept Jesus invitation.

·         Give all of our hurts completely to Him with the expectation that He will handle it.

·         Acknowledge to Him where we went wrong – also known as confessing sin.

·          Believe that He has forgiven us.

·         Trust His love.

·         Allow Him to help us do what He wants us to do– also known as obedience.

·         Remember He wants to walk through the day with us.

Walk in the garden with Him!

By Debbie Springer

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