Friday, March 23, 2012

The Walk

The Walk      

 We recently got a new puppy, we named him Jed.  He loves to play hard, whether chasing a ball or shaking an old slipper donated by Grandma.  I had forgotten how skittish puppies could be at first; everything is new and somewhat intimidating.  I like to walk regularly, so, I have taken Jed along.  The first few times I had to carry him some as he was still young and had never walked for any distance.    I didn’t mind carrying him, I like having him with me.   As the days have gone by Jed is growing and now can walk the entire distance, I no longer have to carry him, but as you can imagine the walks have taken on a new dimension.  He is easily side tracked by leaves blowing in the wind or another dog going the opposite direction.  I have enjoyed watching the simplicity of his play and his curiosity, even when we were not doing much walking; I simply enjoy our time together. 

As I watched Jed I realized how this picture reflected our relationship with God. He realizes that we can be intimidated about many things in this life and He is not surprised by our weaknesses.  He is patient as we discover new things and thoroughly enjoys our company.   It amazes me that the God of the Universe loves “walking” with us!  I think that we complicate things sometimes, thinking that we have to do certain things (jumping through spiritual hoops) to make God happy with us or to experience His presence.  He waits as we wade through the process of becoming more like Jesus and when we love Him that is our goal.  God likes walking with us, even when we are not walking much. That my friend is Good News!

I am grateful for the amazing way God has used a simple walk to remind me of His love me and how very patient He is with me.  I am thankful for the reminders He sends my way, I need them! 

I encourage you to look for simple ways to enjoy your relationship with God, realizing His perfect love makes all the difference.  

Perhaps you don’t understand a personal relationship with God yet, it’s not too late!  Simply trust the completed work of Jesus on the cross, ask Him to live in you and guide you.  He will.

Jed on our "walk"!

By Debbie Springer

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